Newborn pillow
Okay to let 3 weeks old baby to sleep on the flat pillow (with a hole in the middle) ?

I think it gets dangerous when baby starts turning the head more or later when baby starts rolling. Because there is a potential for suffocation. If baby can sleep without it, that would be good. Otherwise, someone needs to watch baby closely.
Recommendation is no. But in reality, I felt my mimos pillow did work for his flat head. Worrying abt d therapy or effects of flat head is worrying! Just need to be really careful, Mebe only when u are also in d room?
My no. 1 sleep with that and the head is round and nice. My no. 2 didn't and end up having one side flatter than the other.
I didnt use pillow, instead just folded swaddle as pillow, just make sure you turn your baby's head time to time too
I think OK if we monitor them I did not use pillow for my boy end up he's under Helmet therapy at 6months
I think ok if we monitor them closely I regret did not use pillow and my boy now under helmet therapy
Hey, I think better to avoid during these early days of the baby.
It is ok however, no pillow before 1 year old is still the best.
Yup.. use dimple pillow. Otherwise Baby's head will be flat
I let my baby sleep on pillow since he discharged