22 Replies
My Gynae told me limit to 1 cup of coffee or 2 cups of tea. I usually drink tea instead and decaf when I’m craving for coffee, ordered the large size since I choose decaf hoping it will be okay to drink more hehe.
I'm a coffee addict so cannot go completely go cold turkey. I limit myself to 1 cup a day, or sometimes don't even finish the whole cup.
if regularly drink couple cups of coffee before pregnancy, understandably tough to stop altogether. keep within one cup or less a day.
Try to avoid daily consumption as caffeine will affect the absorption of nutrients by the fetus during pregnancy.
Should be fine in moderation. I found this: https://sg.theasianparent.com/caffeine-during-pregnancy/
I took once a week. But if I crave for it and feel like having coffee to stay awake, I took decaf.
All my coffee is decaf...
My gynae mentioned 1 cup a day. However best to avoid. Alternatively, you can consume decaf
Tq... I take 1 cup a day... But decaf.. since last time..
I don’t think it’s ok to drink coffee regularly.
My gynae say one cup per day is fine