Hello I'm at my 18 week and I should have asked earlier if its okay for me to drink nespresso coffee with fresh milk once per day? If im craving coffee mid day, can I take another decaf one? Also is it safe to sleep on my left and right side?
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although 1 cup is fine, I'd rather give it up for just a few months. I was a coffee drinker twice a day. I stopped once becoming pregnant as I felt like I'm drinking poison. it's a mindset thingy.
As per my gynae, it’s okay to take one cup per day. Decaf or not is fine. But I forgot he mentioned how many ml per day (I think it’s 350/400ml). Yes, both sides are okay.
Btw decaf also has some caffeine btw! Can google what’s the rough estimate of the total caffeine :)
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