Is it ok for my 5 mths old baby to cry through the night? I
Is it ok for my 5 mths old baby to cry through the night? I want to sleep train him. He has been waking up more than 10 times just to suckle at my breasts. I am very very tired. The next day he woke up still yawning. Obviously he did not get quality sleep.

Hi, Yes, it is normal to wake up many a times during night during this stage, rather this happens with babies till they turn 2. I mean, they would not wake up so often but they have a sound uninterrupted sleep after 2 years. This is not a thumb rule and some babies may be good sleepers but this happens because baby is still adjusting to the new environment. Till 9 months he was in the womb and had his own sleeping patterns and now, suddenly when he is out in the world, they are so many things that he is adjusting to. Moreover with each passing day, he is developing manifold. His mind works like crazy, as he is trying to pick new words, trying to understand new gestures, learning to do new thing each day, some start teething, so basically he is going through too much physically and his sleeping pattern is sure to get disturbed. You will have to be patient till he sets his sleeping schedule. It is a phase and it will pass. All you can do is feed baby well before you put him to sleep at night. Babies also wake up at night for comfort feeding and not generally out of hunger. They feed for a while and the touch of your skin make them feel secure.
Read moreHi, Yes, it is normal to wake up many a times during night during this stage, rather this happens with babies till they turn 2. I mean, they would not wake up so often but they have a sound uninterrupted sleep after 2 years. This is not a thumb rule and some babies may be good sleepers but this happens because baby is still adjusting to the new environment. Till 9 months he was in the womb and had his own sleeping patterns and now, suddenly when he is out in the world, they are so many things that he is adjusting to. Moreover with each passing day, he is developing manifold. His mind works like crazy, as he is trying to pick new words, trying to understand new gestures, learning to do new thing each day, some start teething, so basically he is going through too much physically and his sleeping pattern is sure to get disturbed. You will have to be patient till he sets his sleeping schedule. It is a phase and it will pass. All you can do is feed baby well before you put him to sleep at night. Babies also wake up at night for comfort feeding and not generally out of hunger. They feed for a while and the touch of your skin make them feel secure.
Read moreHi, it's v normal for baby to wake up many times a night. Sometimes it is growth spurt and at 5 months he could be teething too so it can make for a more restless baby and looking for comfort. Use a pacifier is the easiest but it's up to u. To lower chances of waking, trying giving both milk and a dinner before sleep (cereal or night cereal) - so that they can last slightly longer. 5hrs continuous is considered sttn by the way. 10-11h is really v rarely and if he can't then don't force him. My boy also comfort latch - consider co sleeping if possible - saves me from keep going to his cot. My boy 8months now and yes we did have a few of those keep waking phase
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When my little girl was at about 5 months old, she wakes up 2 to 3 times to breastfeed too. I reckon that because I worked in day time, she drinks very little on the day. So compensated by drinking more at night.
I'm in the exact same situation as you. My lo is 7 mths n wakes up several times thru the night to suckle
5MO should be getting 10-11h of uninterrupted sleep in the night. Babies grow when they sleep 💪
Thanks for sharing. But he yawn whenever he wake up. Till now I did not see him not yawning.
Use pacifier. Or yaolan.
Normal tu