Not able to take care of baby after birth
Is it normal to not take care of your newborn the first week or first few weeks after giving birth ? My husband and mother in law handles the baby fully as of now. I went thru csect and not able to do much other than rest and recovering as im still in pain and i feel very useless im not able to take care of my own baby. Any mummies feel the same

Just rest for this two weeks and focus on recovery. If u don't recovery well,how are you going to take care of LO in the long run. At least,you got a helping hands. Not sure if you are a fully BM,FM or mix. Maybe u can request to feed ur baby once a day if on FM or latch on if u are fully BM. At least u got interaction with your baby and u feel "less useless". Don't feel this way coz next time u will have plenty of time taking care of LO until u feel very exhausted.
Read moreDon’t have to feel that way, you just went through a major surgery and it’s important to rest as much as you can now. I regretted not resting and my body is still in pain even tho I’m 1.5 months pp. you will have all the time to take care of your baby once you recover. Gws!!
Trust me, i felt the same as you do and I’m also a C-section mom. Get ALL THE REST now cause sleepless nights are coming soon! You have a lifetime to care for your child. I kinda regret not sleeping enough during the confinement
Read moreyou are so lucky your hubby and mil is helping you. It is only right that you get enough rest during confinement!
don't be in a hurry to do the "work" as your wound might reopen!
Excited to become a mum