Others handle baby more than his mother
I feel useless. I went thru csect on sept and still in pain. Altho i can still get up, walk etc, my lower tummy is still very much sore. Since the start most of the time, my husband is the one that would need to handle baby, especially when he cry. Or my mum or in law would help. I feel kind of useless that im not doing anything to help even when its my own baby? I feel like im slacking and lazy. Altho i have just finished my confinement. I feel bad for my husband too. Am i normal. Is there such household where its not the mother that handles baby the most. My baby is on full formula. What sucks more is i cannot console my baby when he’s crying, like he’ll cry uncontrollably then others would need to take over then he’ll calm down, to the point whenever others hear baby cry when im holding, theyll say to pass the baby to them they’ll soothe him. I feel like my baby also doesn’t like me.I feel like im pushing my responsibility to them.