perut kecik

normal ke kalau masa 32 weeks perut masih kecik? nampak mcm baru 3 bulan jerr? takut juga kalau berat baby kurang nanti semasa nak melahirkan?

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Masa scan g kk, doc ada ckp apa² x? Kalau xde, insyaAllah okay je sbb ada he org yg jnis perut kecik..

6y ago

owww okay2... kurang lah sikit risau.. thankyou😍

Takkan doc tak cakap ape..dah 32weeks kan.. kalau ada masalah,doc dah cakap ada masalah..

6y ago

Dont worry long as doc takde cakap apa..hopefully everything will be fine :) but if you got concern.. go private clinic for further checkup..but once you go see the doc,raise as many concern as u have! Good luck dear. We are almost there!💪🤗