first time
hi, is it normal to experience vaginal bleeding/spotting at the early pregnancy? it's very light pink.

its normal if its NOT red blood colour, boleh jadi sebab rahim masih di bawah and terhentak something like that. if the colour is red blood, then you should be worried. I suggest kalau byk keluar, go see the doc to get confirm. saya kene gak awal2 tu, bcs rahim bwh and saya travel dgn kereta so terhentak. keluar darah quite alot and continue for 3 days. pegi jmp doc, she said its normal if its not red blood and no pain. dia suruh rehat, jgn bergerak byk sgt, n dont travel, sbb bg rahim naik dulu. kalau my mom, dia kata normal jg, pastu dia akan suruh jalan slow2 n jgn bg rahim terhentak, jgn angkat benda berat. jaga diri ya
Baca lagiI have bleeding too on my forth and sixth weeks.. Quite worrying me.. But after checking with doc, she say no cervix opening so no need to worry and upon scanning the sac in the normal shape.. So if u having stomach cramp you should check with doc. Thy wil give duphaston to avoid bleeding.. It works for me..
Baca laginormal dan bahaya juga so kena jumpa doktor juga utk kepastian...sbb saya 1st dan 2nd pregnt mcm ni then doktor pesan kena jaga2 if gugur time tu saya redho but alhamdulillah semuanya selamat sehingga lahir...