Refuse to sleep
My Newborn is extremely active and refuse sleep. Swaddle and Cradle doesn’t work on her. What should I do?

I find nursing to sleep the most effective way. Just lie down with baby and nurse until she drifts off. In the day I rock baby gently while singing / shushing instead. Timing is important too because if she's been awake for too long she will be over tired and will scream and refuse to sleep :( it's my worst nightmare. So if she's been awake for more than 2 hours try to get her to sleep before she gets cranky.
Read moreMy newborn was like that too! Can don't sleep for the whole day! What I did was to rock her to deep sleep for at least 15-20 mins before putting her down and not to let LO be awake for more than 1.5 hours each time. When all else fails, try yaolan. It works for me!
My child had the same problem. Was diagnosed with sleep disorder. May not be the same for yours. Do check with your pd... Don't worry it does get better as they grow older(:
Have you feed her? Change diaper? I will also dim the light, on smoothing music at the back. I will let them self smooth to sleep.
Hi... you might find this article informative
Hi, It is best to consult your PD. Also try telling stories to him during bed-time :)
Maybe you can try white noise? You can DL onto your hp for free.
U can try baby carrier
Try music ?