Need help here. I am having gastric flu today. How am i going to take care of my 6month old? I worry that i will spread to her and she sleep on her cot next to me. What can i do?

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Oh dear, I'd separate myself from baby for a while if gastric flu is involved. Maybe sleep in a separate room or get a family member to help care for baby while you recuperate. My friend had severe gastric flu and continued to take care of her baby as normal but she was weak and she found it really difficult to concentrate on her baby. In the end she had to call her MIL for back up because severe gastric flu will really take a toll on your body. Her baby fell sick a few days (slight fever) after but it was nothing serious. She blamed herself for not seeking help when she was sick.

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Be careful of yr personal hygiene. Before u gotten gastric flu, antibodies would be produced already and yr baby has already taken it. In fact this is better immunity for your baby.

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8y ago

Then pls be careful of personal hygiene