My 3yo always shouts "I don't like you" whenever she is angry or not getting what she wants. I know she doesn't mean it but it can be demoralizing at times. Does it happen to you too, and how do you deal with it?

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No he is not saying that and if he says so I will tell him that it was wrong and I will explain to why it is wrong to say that and I will explain to him why he couldn't get everything he wanted so I cannot spoil him

Tell her is wrong to say that and even though she says that you still love her. Tell her you are sad when she says that. Explain to her why she couldn't get what she wants and that happens to everyone. Jia You💪

I would reply But u know I love you Why don’t u like me? What did I do to make u not like me It hurts me deeply when you say things like that Come talk to mummy and tell me what’s bothering or troubling you

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You shout back" even if you don't like me, I will always love u! " reinforce that they are always loved no matter what they do

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Reply with, “I love you thou” or “I still love you” she was just showing tantrum just like my daughter...

Yes. It is a phrase. Just continue to hug and love her. Show your love and it will pass!

Needs to be disciplined.

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Its a common sight