Mums, how do you deal with FBM rejection? My LO does not like fbm - she howls and screams everytime I feed it to her

To add on to what Chin Yin has mentioned, sometimes the taste of the milk would change due to the storing process. For example, there may be excess lipase in the milk due to the storing and causes the frozen milk to taste soapy after being thawed. The way to go about this is to scald the express milk first before freezing (you can refer to this blog post on how to scald the milk: You can also refer to this article to help identify if it was any of the storage procedure that may have caused the change in taste (assuming that your frozen breast milk did tasted different to your baby).
Read moreFBM has an "iron" taste when we heat it up. Some of the children will reject due to the different taste. I mixed some of the warm fbm with my fresh bm. Having said that, do take note of the storage bags whether they are suitable to store milk and the storage time. Some milk might turn bad due to bad storage.
Read moreLike Chin Yin said, you can mix the frozen milk with chilled or freshly expressed milk. I do a 1:1 ratio of frozen to chilled milk as my LO also rejects FBM, even if it was expressed 24hrs ago and frozen.
My boy doesn't like frozen breastmilk taste. So I try to pump a day before and just refrigerate it at the most a day before.
hi! may i know if you managed to overcome the fbm rejection issue? facing the same problem now. 😫
Try it when your lo is in hungry 😋.
Happy Mom