14 Replies

I was induced 3 times and only dilated 2.5cm, which didn’t even hit the minimum 3cm to burst my water bag to give birth naturally. I feel no pain or contractions just very very mild cramp and super tired of waiting 48 hours. LOL. I didn’t have emergency csect. Just a normal csect and baby was out in 15 mins.

They gave me laughing gas when I was waiting for for the operating room to be ready for csect. But I didn’t use it. I wasn’t in pain. I also didn’t get epidural for my csect. It was another kind of injection that works the same as epidural but the needle is much much much more smaller. I think it’s called spinal blocks/injection.

i did a risky thing which i push when the nurse told me not to do so. but i quietly did for my 3rd and 4th pregnancy. at the same time, the doctor also help to open up my cervix by stretching. now i pregnant with my no5.

congrats on your bundle of joy!

May I know what is your baby weight?

Baby was at 3kg at 35weeks, so I'm guessing now he could be close to 3.5kg? Not so sure though..

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