Any mummy tried drinking honey before labour? My friend said she tried and it works for her, easing the pain and very fast labour. Is it true or myth?

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Haven heard of this so I would assume it's a myth. Otherwise I'm sure many moms all over the world will be drinking honey before labour =)
Sorry no idea on labour for normal delivery. Since I'm cesarean delivery. And no food for 9 hours before the operation as per advise
I didn't hear about the honey. But i heard about drinking coconut water, It helps to give you energy during labour
I have never listen of this remedy... but any ways honey is natural product so nothing harm in trying it
everyone is different. do what suits u and always consult doctor's opinion
I'm going into labour during july. So i can probably try the honey!
I think if u can eat date before labour
Dont think i have heard this one before
Nvr hear abt tis
Lazy Mum