My mil let my LO tried lemon. In general we let her do what she wants since she hardly get to see the LO plus she is a nurse. When I told my mum, she reprimanded me and said it would cause gastric. Would it?

It's okay for babies to try lemons! It won't harm them if it's in small quantities. The mom above is right, the pH value of lemon juice is no too bad and will not cause gastric problems if taken in small quantities. It's quite cute to see them react to the lemon too. Here's a cute video:
Read moreYes it's ok. And wld recommend you to let baby try as speaking from my own experience. My hub has always been very conservative in terms of parenting. My son has suddenly grew to dislike eating fruits at 1 year old. He would not eat any kind of fruits be it that he has tasted or not before. He's currently 18 mths old.
Read moreIt's okay to consume lemon in moderation unless she gave lo the whole lemon. Hahaha which i doubt so. Its good and recommended for baby to try out all kinds of food with different taste and texture. Dont worry too much about it.
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In baby led weaning, we let our babies try most types of food! Consuming lemons will not result in gastritis. The pH of the gastric juices is much stronger than that of a lemon :)
Thanks. Glad it Is just my mum over reacting
Lemon is acidic and consume into body, it's naturally being alkaline, moreover it can eliminate bacteria. It should be fine and provide minute quantity.
I do let my boy taste some lemon too. But more for tasting only as I think its too sour to eat as a whole. Even adult don't really eat whole lemon per se.
Sorry to ride young you give lemon to LO?
We start exploring after 6mths
Mommy of 1 lovely little diva