When do you start buying stroller and carrier?
Hi Mummies, When do you start buying stroller and baby carrier? I’m a FTM and wanted a rough timeline when to start buying the big ticket items. Also, does Mummy’s market sells Joie Litetrax 4 stroller and Tula carrier? I thought of going down to have a look and try before purchasing.

Haha i got it only after my bb is out. I thot aiya she wouldn't go out except for checkups only. So i didn't get pram or stroller initially. But try carrying 3kg baby for 2 hours, we (me, husband, helper) take turns to carry its still alright. But when Lo got heavier it proved to be a challenge. 😂 So i end up getting doona car seat stroller n preown tula- explore in mesh material. My sis pass me her ergo360. Tula for my helper n ergo for my husb. Now my bb is nearly 8kg at 5.5mo, these carriers n stroller r a great help man. Even my husb who's a burly muscle man finds it hard to carry her for long (if it's without e ergo).
Read moreOnce the pregnancy is stable and I have exhausted my freebies and collected the hand me downs, I collated what I have and then bought everything except baby carrier and backup milk powder during sales. I was still 4 months from delivering when I whacked the 11.11 sales. Cost saving is still most important. I didn't buy carrier yet because some of my friends found it a complete waste as the baby didn't like/started walking too early/didn't fit their lifestyle. I bought just 1 week worth of infant clothes and infant diapers too as I don't know how big the baby may be.
Read morebought mine at mummy's market at third trimester. i wanted the doona cause it doubles up as a car seat but because it couldnt adjust the back i took baby zen. no regrets but now that my baby is big enough, i might try doona. i bought tula explorer from online after she turned 1 month. if youre looking to save some money, go to mummy's market and test them out and if you like what you see, do some research on the cheapest one!
Read moreFor carrier, can see see research but there's shop that allows you to try with baby before purchasing. So after baby is born, bring baby down to try together and see if baby comfortable with it. Stroller maybe can start looking n buy end 2nd tri or early 3rd tri? Do note that if you have car or going to take Grab to polyclinic for checks, need baby car seat ya. If not you can carry in arms and take Comfort Taxi.
Read moreWould suggest u visit showrooms in ur 2nd tri to shortlist the items u want, then buy it during sale online (1.1/2.2/3.3… etc) some stroller models are on preorder basis, I bought it at my week 35 but have to wait till bb is abt a mth old for delivery. We had intended to buy after bb is born but sale price w all the vouchers discount made it super affordable (I got a 25% off the retail price for joie stroller!)
Read moreIf baby carrier there’s house call babywear consultation one too, they will bring the carriers let u try or u can visit them. Normally gt quite few brand & they will advise which kinds suitable for u & ur baby. I did ard my baby 3mths, and let him tried the carriers see which one he more comfort
I buy stroller first at 2nd trimester for carrier I will buy after the baby is born either u can buy tula or ergo for carrier for stroller it's up to you don't buy to bulky u will regret trust I bought end up didn't use much and took alot of space so that's a lesson for me
i bought nothing. friends and relatives are gifting some new items and hand-me-down, so i didnt prep anything. for some items i really need, i also check on carousell for them. some are brand new and at very affordable prices. :)
it depends when you will need those items. getting items ready for a newborn can be a large amount especially if you buy everything new. if nothing is a barrier whether finance or space in the house, get in during your 2nd tri.
I started to buy in 2nd trimester because can still walk around and have a look at things. Can always search on mummy's market website for the items before going down to take a look at the physical item