Gov Hospital Or Private Hospital
Hi mummies, which hospital do u prefer? Gov or Private? I was planning to give birth at Hospital Shah Alam since alot of my friend recommended there. Anyone planning to give birth at Hospital Shah Alam???

i prefer private. cause husband can be beside. I need him around. or my mum but prefer husband since my mum is old. My friend recently gave birth in a Gov Hospital, she was there for a week (due to complication) and without any help from husband and parents. So seeing her going through that, makes me adamant to go private even its heavy on my budget. It will take us 12 months of savings to give birth at private. Maybe charge on credit card if too much and convert to instalment. Thats how adamant I am. But also, I have complications and Im not sure if the private will push me to Gov. I’ll just try my best to find private that can cater me.
Baca lagiI prefer private, but I heard some government hospital also provide good services. Here's some good government hospital for your reference:
Baca lagiSy xprnh bsalin kat private so xbole imagine btapa bagusnya servis di far dua ank bersalin di hkl and suami bole masuk skali masa di labor room..and alhamdulillah sya rasa tu yg terbaik utk saya..xde pulak nurse or doc yg buat saya rasa far ok n baik2 je..🙂
saya apply private, xde la baik sgt. beza dia- suami blh masuk ms labour, ad room blh tdo ngn suami and dpt doktor pmpn. bila nurse dpt tahu suami ad all the time, xdela extra care wlupun byr mahal.
Had baby at Shah Alam Hospital. Helpful nurses. insyaAllah okay. Planning Shah Alam Hospital for my second baby. InsyaAllah.
sekarang hospital gov pun dah ok tapi kalau ada duit lebih n lagi selesa ambik private hospital
If anything happen, they still will refer to GH. Better go direct to GH je. GH ada pakar
Depends on u sis, if u feeling comfortable there.. Tht ur choices
Also planning to give birth at Hospital Shah Alam 😊
Prefer private hospital. KPJ Tawakkal KL is the best.