14 Replies

Super Mum

36 weeks is considered premature though your baby will likely not suffer from any harm thanks to modern medicine. However I've seen studies stating the longer babies stay in your bellies, the better their brain can grow and higher chance they can meet their potentials. So if you can, hang in there for a little bit more for your little one. All the best!

Hi mummy, i gave birth to my daughter at 36weeks + 5 via c-sect. Yup, if our babies are born before 37 weeks, they are considered late premies. I was given 2 shots of steroids at around 32weeks for her lungs to grow. Daughter was born healthy and do not need to stay in nicu.

36weeks+5days. Water bag broke. Have to induce as baby doesn't want to come out after 12hours. Baby put in nicu for 1 day for observation but transfer to normal ward. And now she's growing fine. Jiayou mummy.


My no. 2 was born 36+3 weeks. Suppose to have scheduled csect after 37 weeks but water bag broke and had to do emergency csect instead. Baby was fine and discharged 3 days together with me.

1st 40 week 2nd 39 week 3rd 38 week 4th 38 week 5th 36 week not premature baby.. It's call preterm baby... 6th 37 week due to high blood... Thanks God all baby is safe n healthy..

VIP Member

37 weeks is late pre-term. I gave birth at 37W3D through c-sect as induction failed. Had to be given 2 jabs to help mature baby’s lungs. Baby is healthy and growing fine.

37 weeks is considered term. That time i even received two jabs during my 37 weeks to ensure my baby's lungs are fully developed.

VIP Member

keep it until more than 37 weeks mummy, you don't want your baby end up in nicu bcos of preterm or lung not ready rite

Hang on in there. Any babies before some weeks are considered premie and insurance will be off diff charge

I gave birth at 39 weeks without any complications, so lucky me

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