2 Replies

Super Mum

For supply, yes drink lots of water/fluids, you also need to have adequate rest and latch often. Looking at my baby/hearing baby cry also stimulates the let down. If you say that pumping causes pain, it means that the pump is probably the wrong size. You need bigger pump parts so that there’s no direct friction on the nipple. It’s not supposed to cause nipple pain. Without pumping, keep latching baby on demand I guess. I do have forceful let downs sometimes, so much so that baby sometimes chokes.. so there are also downsides to it. What’s most important is that baby has enough to drink, so don’t worry too much about whether you have forceful let downs. You’re doing a great job, mummy!

VIP Member

Breastfeeding is really a tough job. All that you mention can help boost your supply. If you are latching, latch on demand can help. Frequent pumping can also help. You can try power pump.

I know the feeling Mummy, I experience it myself.😢 I cry everyday. This is the sacrifice we do.💕 Jia you! You can do it! I wish you plenty of supply!

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