Baby gender
Hi mummies. Is it true if u have bad morning sickness, means u having a boy, and not having bad morning sickness, means u having a girl?

No I don’t believe in this. It’s all myths and not proven by science. Also by the way the myth is the other way round. Bad morning sickness = girl. The reasoning is that women carrying girls have elevated levels of hormones (including progesterone, estrogen and/or human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG), which worsens morning sickness, while women carrying boys have less nausea because hormone levels are lower. The fact is - No one knows exactly why morning sickness occurs, though it has long been thought to relate to elevated hormone levels. Which exact hormone triggers it also remains a matter of speculation. Several additional theories for bad morning sickness are also speculated to be zinc deficiency, genetic factors, and psychological factors like fear or stress.
Read moreFrom what i heard from old people usually the shape of ur tummy shows the gender of baby. If tummy is very round and shaped like a moon means its a girl, if tummy shape bulging upwards means its a boy. And if ur nose looks bigger n more swollen than before means its a baby boy. Lol. Not 100% correct also. For me the nose part is true when i was pregnant with my son😂 btw i had no morning sicknesses when i was pregnant with my daughters and son😅✌️
Read moreNope. My fren has got no morning sickness at all and got a baby boy. Im having very bad morning sickness and still its a boy. Its just a pregnancy thingy. Diff pregnancy is diff 🤰
Dont think theres a link at all. For my case, all old wives tales not accurate. The big nose, morning sickness, shape of tummy, the linea nigra line all not true.
not true. my sister expecting her 2nd girl no morning sickness at all and im also expecting a girl, and i have morning sickness. quite a bad one even at 29 wks. 🤤
My first one is boy. No morning sickness, my second one is girl. No morning sickness. My graving is the same as the first, but the outcome is a girl.
Im having a girl soon and my morning sickness was terrible till i was 5 months preggy but won’t know till i have no.2and a boy😀
I don’t think this is scientifically proven. My friends all had morning sickness regardless if they gave birth to a boy or a girl
I have 2 girls. First girl no morning sickness, second girl with morning sickness. Every pregnancy different.
I read the opposite, bad morning sickness for girls instead. But this could be a myth... best not to assume