Hi mummies, today is the 7th day that my daughter is having fever continuously. What should I do?

Did she take any vaccination recently? Fevers which are so long are usually viral fever. How high is the temp. You should bring her to see a PD and give Panadol too. Try to sponge her with room temp water regularly and make sure she stays hydrated. Wear loose light clothing . It is not good for a baby to continuously have fever for so long and even though we may think it not good for babies to take Med I feel Panadol should be administered.
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Go to the doctor immediately. If her temperature is extremely high or she has any nose bleeds or anything else that's abnormal from a fever I suggest you bring her to the ER right now.
Please bring your Daughter to the doctor ASAP. 7 days is a very long time for your daughter to have fever
Definitely time to visit pd. How high is the temperature? Have you given Panadol yet?
Please bring ur daughter to A&E immediately high chances having infection. Take care
After 3 days and fever didnt subside, shld see a pd. how old is yr Lo? seen doctor?
How high is the fever? Any medication given? I suggest to c a doc soon.
Hi mummy! Please bring to see a Dr immediately. Fever shouldn't last for so long.
I think it's viral fever. Very common these days. Must bring to see PD.