11 months old sick

Hi mummies, my 11 month old baby sick since 5 days ago. Was having high fever (highest at 39.8). Fever gone, came the cough on the 3rd day, but then on the 5th day which is today, fever came back. Baby lethargic, not drinking milk. Seen pd 2x (on the first day, and 3rd day to take cough syrup. What shld I do

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I went to 2 PDs then the second PD prescribed baby antiobitiocs and other brands of meds which helped because the first PD I went to, despite taking the meds for a week, cough and flu still persist and don’t look like its getting better. In the meantime offer baby more water if baby not drinking milk. And also, dilute the milk (if feeding formula, water ratio remain, powder reduce).

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Baby under 2yo shouldn't be given cough syrup. Allow baby to hydrate and rest more. Anyth else the PD says abt the condition?

10mo ago

Did blood test + Xray, mild lungs infection 😔😔😔

