My lo is 1 yrs old and today is the 3rd day of high fever, the fever is between 38-40 deg, yst went to mount a and the doc asked to give both ibuprofen and paracetamol but the fever still no go down, what should i do? Should i bring to kkh?

After 5days if fever Nvr go down, go hospital.. If fever up, down, up, down, especially after eating both ibuprofen n paracetamol, need not worry.. It's viral.. Baby active? If baby active, no need worry too much.. Sponge n sponge.. Babies love the coldest.. Not recommended to eat antibiotics, cuz it isn't bacteria infection..??
Read moremine also same the doc give me ibuprofen and paracetamol but after drinking ibu the fever did went down. But I'm not sure need to feed him paracetamol anot? need to feel both fever medicine? the ibu say take 2ml 8 hourly so I didn't give paracetamol to him.
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if it did went down after brufen, then it's not so alarming. It sounds like a viral fever. the temp will def be gg up and down. Sponge baby often and continue w the meds
Read moredo you mean after brufen, the temp doesn't drop down at all for a single bit? do sponge the child in the meantime also. Focus on the armpit, behind neck & groin area too
after giving ibuprofen fever still up and down
temp will be up and down. it's normal. also did they give antibiotic? fever happens when the body is trying to fight off the sickness.
Momsy of 1 sweet prince