Hi Mummies, Is there any way to prevent white hair from growing? I have plenty of white hair which hide between black hair. Thank you!

Is it your family side have genetic? If got genetic very high percent you will having white hair. But importantly you have to take care. And if you sleep late at night too often or too stress in a period of time. White hair will appear easy too. Can eat more black sesame, black bean very good too. And if too much chemical on hair will damage your hair vitamin and lead to white hair too.
Read moreYup from what i know its genetic as well. My husband is 33 amd yet he has plenty of white hair. Well, his dad looks like papa smurf, not old and yet white hair. I find it cool though. Special. Hmmph maybe can dye?
Thanks ☺
Hi... white hair is a part of aging and there’s little ways to prevent nature from taking course. Having an optimistic mind, eating and living healthy helps to delay aging but it will happen
Ageing is part of life. White hair will naturally happen but living a healthy and fit lifestyle, try not to stress and be happy.
If u have it after giving birth then most likely due to hormone change. I also have more white hair after giving birth.
Can’t prevent it but most important thing is to stay stress free as much as possible and keep a positive attitude :)
Hi, There is no prevention method as such but to have a healthy & fit lifestyle which keeps the hormones in balance
Old folks says eat more black sesame. My little nephew have so so so many strands hiding when he was only 3 years old.
Thanks ☺ I will try one day.
No proven way as such. Healthy happy life is a good way to delay it
I hv plenty too... black bean soup add some he shouwu
Mum of a little munchkin