Any mummies successfully increase supply after lo is 2months old? I am a first time c sect mummy. Didn't had very much motivation at the start as mil keep wanting to give lo fm and my supply came very slow. I'm still pumping every 3-4hourly but lo dont latch as everytime i try to latch, he screams despite whatever methods I've tried. So i give bottle. He's drinking 100ml every 2-3hourly. Night feeding once or twice only. Lo normally wakes up around 9am. Settles him down, and start pumping at 10-11am. I usually skip night pumps as im really very tired. The first yield for the day usually is around 40ml. Subsequently only 10ml. Took fenugreek, lactation cookies, marigold oats milk, chia seeds, drinks about 3000ml of water per day. Still the same. Any mummy have any advice?