Exclusive pumping mum
I have been EP for a month now, every 3 hourly. But the midnight pumps are really killing me. Im extremely tired as I take care of baby on my own + pumping and cleaning of her stuff. Would my milk supply drop if I stretch or cut down on 1 night pump? Or if I were to stretch my pumps to every 4hourly, will my milk be lesser? Im only a just enough mum pumping arnd 120ml each session.

Hello! I’m pumping around 120ml each session as well. I try to pump every 3 hours and usually my last pump will be around 12am to 12.30am. The next pump will be at 6am to 6.30am. I did not pump in between this timing. My supply did not drop at all and this feed by demand method is a life saviour for me. I managed to get more sleep than before (I definitely understand it is tiring!). Of course, the starting of this way will be painful and torturous because you will wake up with painful, harden and leaking boobs, but just keep going and your body & boobs will get the message. Slowly your body and boobs will adjust accordingly to your demand and it will be good in a long run. However, once you start doing differently for the routine, your body and boobs will get confused and it will not go the way you want to. Really need a strong mindset to do it. Good luck!
Read moreStretching your pumps wont make your milk lesser but there’s higher risk of engorgement and its really very painful.. can try cold compress or cold cabbage.. to lessen the milk production.. Context : I stopped EP after 3 weeks (took meds to stop my milk) because EP really is very tiring and its really killing me doing everything esp at night - pumping, feeding, changing, putting baby to sleep.. What I’ve learnt was to take care of yourself & you will def provide better quality care for your baby & fam!!!
Read moreHi, I am exclusively pumping to feed my 7 weeks old twins. I too am worried my supply might drop if I stop pumping at night. Currently I am pumping 3 times through the night at 12mm, 3am and 6am. May i know how old is your LO and how much is the milk intake? One of my twins is drinking 90-100ml per feed and the other 60-70ml per feed. My worry is are they drinking too little? I always have to spend at least 30-40mins per pumping session for at least 170ml. Is this normal?
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