6 Replies

Super Mum

Oh dear poor thing! You should go to a specialist clinic on skin & allergy to assess. It's hard to tell if your child is allergic to something unless you do an allergy test, could be either skin prick test or blood test.

usually a dermalogist would be able to help such situation. i suggest u try to test see if its any allergy reaction since cream didn't really work out.


you can try jo lauren miracle balm, works for my 18mo and 1mo. i also use only natural ingredient soaps (e.g. neema soap) for my 18mo


maybe u can try search this 2 products at instagram,: mamabrands & alma, its really help my doter which is hv eczema from bby

VIP Member

You wana try Shiruto supplement..

reviews from one of my customer



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