
Hi Mummies! My LO is 42 days old now. I am doing mixed feeding as my supply is low. I DL and give expressed breastmilk during the day and DL, formula feed at night. My LO only takes in about 60mls each feed if I attempt to give anymore she gags hence I dont force feed. I am worried she might be drinking too little.. However there are 8-10 wet nappies each day. Is it okay to let her continue drinking 60mls? I dont want to be underfeeding her.. How can I slowly increase the quantity. Please advise. TIA!!

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Super Mum

My baby is like yours, can only take a very small amount of milk. I keep looking at the guides and feel scared because it's much less than the recommended amount. Now at 13 months she still drinks only 90ml max. The thing is some babies don't like to drink a lot at a time, but they will drink more often. Just watch diaper output which you already do and check baby's weight on the percentile chart. Don't worry too much :)

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VIP Member

For rough guide: Usually 1m old babies - 60ml to 90ml For 2-3m old babies - 120ml to 150ml. For 4-6m old babies - 120ml to 180ml You can slowly increase by 10ml weekly You can try to expand lo’s stomach capacity now. Depends on baby’s cue. If u observe lo’s wants more , give another 10-20ml once baby is growing older. Don’t worry not all babies will drink the same amount.

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Super Mum

My baby intake was 60ml or less till she was 2mth old thereabouts. On good days she ask fr more. Gt worried too. Many told its normal fr baby girl.. in the end i convinced myself perhaps my milk is "fatty" that she feel full easily. & i start looking out fr wet diapers instead. All is well. Follow yr lo cues. 😊

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Super Mum

My daughter also drank small amounts each time (but more often) till she was almost 4 months old. As long as she’s growing and pees/poops/sleeps/is active, that’s alright:)

Thank you all mummies for the reassurance!! 😊

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