Mummies.. I'm having problem): I'm currently pregnant for don't know how many weeks only.. but I got this feeling not to keep the baby as my first born only 9 months.. and my Husband don't really help me to take care and I feel so tired.. what should I do?): feeling so depress.. crying every night when my first born being cranky..

Hi there, first of all hugs. Think it is tough looking after baby from first hand xperience. I think that you can seriously consider the questions and suggestions by the above post. I think that you should try to engage ur husband to help, let him know where and what he can help and let him do it. Sometimes when they first start helping, they don't really know what we want or what our standards are so it requires some time to get them to help and help to the things we neeed. My husband only recently agreed to bath my 7 month baby on sun mornings - he previously gave many reasons and pus baby also not that receptive to daddy - but he saw how helping could allow me to get myself and the other stuff ready to head out to church at. Better timing. So continue to engage the husband and encourage him while he helps too. As for the upcoming suspected preganancy, i think that you have to discuss it with your husband. It is not far to anyone if u decide on this Ursula because 3 parties are involved. I would encourage u to keep the child tho because help is something hat can be worked out (whether in laws, cc, nanny, husband 7 wife team) together with your husband while a life is more precious and not something that comes by easily. It might be a tough road ahead bu when we had our wedding vows, wasn't it for better or worse? So its time to remind u husband as parenting is a 2 person business, even more so if a second one is coming along. Jiayou. Wish u can work things out and save the baby/give the baby a chance at life. *hugs hugs*
Read moreDo you have any intentions to get a helper? Who is taking care of your firstborn during the day? Have you expressed your need for help from your hubby? Some men are oblivious to their wife needing help. Talk to him. Let him know about your suspected pregnancy too. Having a family involves two person. It's unfair you are struggling alone and no one knows anything. He has a duty to play as a hubby and father. Talk to him. 9months old cranky at night could be due to teething or growth spurt. Is baby active during the daytime? Did you overstimulate your baby? Did anyone play with baby before bedtime? It could make your baby restless at night and in need of comfort. Do you have a close friend you can talk to?
Read moreSweetheart, please dont feel so bad. I hope you can find peace with whatever you decide. Have you considered all help which you can tap on. Friends, family, neighbours? Maybe even a helper or part time helper. Frim my point , ill suggest for you to out baby in Infant Care
feeling stressful is really not cool. but i understand your situation. for me, please do seek help. or talk to someone you trust. ask for help or opinion. dont do it alone. its more depressing. i wish you all the health and lots of love.
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