
Hi mummies, im currently pregnant at 11weeks. I found out on my pregnancy only when i was about 10weeks and has been going around for interviews during that period. I was offered as a Senior Sales Assistant at one of Singapore's well known Retailer, but have been worrying as i'm still on my first trimester and i also understand most companies will turn away pregnant ladies even if i were to keep applying.. Yet at the same time, i need to work and sort things out with my fiancé as this is our first pregnancy together. We are trying to find a home that is suitable for both of us and the baby, renting a room/studio from Owners is too pricey and we have so much concerns like the baby cries or the tenants/owners wont be comfortable.. I have e-mailed to HDB to see if there is anything they can help us with.. Deep down i know that my fiancé is also stressing out, he needs to care for me & the baby and at the same time save while he's only working as a delivery food rider. Lately he told me that he met with an accident while on the road.. Its been worrying and stressing me out that we've been arguing almost everyday now. ?

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Im sorry to hear that. You don't have to tell the person you are interviewing right away–being pregnant is not relevant in determining whether or not you are the right person for the job. All the best!