Confused but still thankful!

hello Mummies! i went for my first scanning yesterday at KKH, i got abitt disappointed as when the baby was being scanned its rlly small and i got afraid (ive always sort of blame myself as i couldnt eat or drink as much as i should to be giving baby the right nutritions etc) that my baby was rlly small at 12weeks. then i was informed that my baby is not 12 weeks, but 8 weeks ? my first day of last period was 1st Jan, so its confusing me as well but hospitals should know better with the equipment they have. nevertheless, i am so happy to see my little one and know that its doing fine! ❤

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Hey,just read ur post abt this. I know its few months back. Just to ask,when u went for scanning at 12weeks do u hear ur baby heartbeat? Cause mine when i count is 10weeks,doc told me baby is small but couldn't detect baby heartbeat 😔. I get so worried & anxious. So doc told me to come another 10days for checkup.

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5y ago

Tq. ❤️

Experiencing the same thing as you my last period was 3 jan and I'm only 14 weeks 5 days. I'm not so worried when did I conceive is more to the baby health and baby is all in good hands

VIP Member

All the best mama! Don’t worry too much! My baby was on the smaller side during all the scans. But she came out at a good weight of 2.8kg! You can try avocados and salmon

don't worry too much! unnecessary worry is not healthy. as long the doctor says your baby is healthy, its okay. and the edd is not fixed, it will change if theres a need to.


Don't worry so much! My baby was small too when I'm 20 weeks. Then it boom. At 28 weeks doc ask me don't eat so much. 😂. At 36 weeks she came out 3.2kg. So just relax!

dun worry, they usually advise gestational age based on the size, but bear in mind that fetus is still small before 12 weeks. you are in good hands!

Doesn’t matter, fetus has yolk sac to provide nutrients for first trimester so it doesn’t matter if u eat or not or eat little or a lot.

don't worry ...all my 3 baby small size when pregnant...all 3 came out 2.9 2.1 n health issue ..all good only small size

VIP Member

dont worry too much, my first baby is 2.3kg when i give birth to her. she was small but now shes like a paooooo to me Hhahaah

thank you everyone for the reassurance! im feeling better now and am taking good care of myself. ❤