Hi mummies, do I need to worry of my newborn temperature is 37.3? Or is it because of the weather Thank you in advance

My NB used to have 37.1- 37.3 in the afternoon. We didn't swaddle her. Swaddle her temp more high. Weather is really very hot. If you are okay, then keep LO cool but mittens and booties still wear. Using ear scan. But when evening and sleeping in Aircon, her temp dropped to normal. Till now, my 9mths old baby is more to heaty body one. When weather hot, her temp is 37.3 and I'm used to it. Go to your instinct bah. Unless your NB is not drinking well and other signs that makes you worry other hand the temp. If worry, then bring to PD?
Read morePD told me before for baby if fever is 38 and above.. as their bodies is usually hotter than us adult. But just keep a lookout, keep the environment cool or let the baby wear sleeveless clothes and monitor again..
What thermometer do you use? You can try checking multiple times or check with different thermometers. Some thermometers are quite inaccurate especially for newborns.
Should be fine but just monitor especially if someone is sick at home or baby just had vaccination. Its also weather. Even it is 8 in the morning its freaking hot
It's fine dear. Just monitor. Newborns are normally much warmer especially since your carrying them and they get their warmth from you
37.3 is fine. For newborns only 37.5 onwards. I kept on taking the temperature for my baby. But its the weather. Sigh!
37.3 is fine:) Low grade fever is 37.6-37.9 Fever is 38 degrees and above
Is fine but monitor. Fever is 38 and above.
Should be fine...Just continue to monitor
37.3 is fine. Fever starts from 37.5.