My LO just had his vaccination yesterday. The back of his head is unusually warmer than the forehead. However, when we take his temperature with both the ear and underarm thermometer, his temperature is between 36.8 to 37.3 deg. Has anyone experienced the same?

not sure if thermometer issue, but bcos of different thermometer reading, I use that as my 2nd opinion, first would be my instinct (2nd time mother here), if I see my baby have unusual behaviour after vaccination, (she is a happy baby, hardly crying), but when she cries a lot for no reason, her backside is warmer than forehead also, I know that somehow she is uncomfortable, so I gave her paracetamol to ease her inner pain (as prescribed by her PD)
Read moreYes. Low grade fever. You can Sponge lo often. Check every few hours. Usually 1-2 days will recover however if temperature is getting higher , go See PD immediately. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/7-things-you-should-know-about-fever
Read moreHey, Yes it is normal to have low grade fever. Please keep monitoring and take the LO to the doctor if you see any unusual developments
Hi... it’s normal for LO to have fever after vaccinations. It will go away in a day or two
Same for my LO. But I monitor, didn't do sponging or anything. It got better next 2 days.
Just monitor. If you’re still worried, can do sponging first
It's fine, just continue to monitor