Hi mummies, I just need someone to hear me rant without judging or anything. My in laws and husband have been wasting my breastmilk as if it’s free (yea free because it came from my boobs) My FIL poured 140ml of breastmilk into unwashed bottle thinking it was ok for baby to drink and normally my baby only drink about 80-100ml every feed so I don’t understand why he must pour out so much breastmilk. FYI, baby can get diarrhea from breastmilk if it have been left out for too long. My husband left my bag of breastmilk in room temperature overnight (before dinner till the next day lunch then he remembered) FYI, I latch my baby at night. My MIL would pour more than what baby can drink and when baby doesn’t finish she will try her luck again and again forcing my baby to finish it. Sometimes I’ll just tell her to pour it away when it have been out for too long. If not she would just pour in new breastmilk into the old breastmilk and feed baby again at the next feed which will make baby sick. FYI, she didn’t breastfeed her own kids. She would even tell me “never mind, got a lot breastmilk” People call breastmilk a liquid gold for a reason. Breastfeeding mums would even cry over spilt breast milk yet I don’t understand how can they just waste my breastmilk like this even after telling them so many times how precious it is.

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Wow you explained at least. I completely lost it with my hubby. To be honest even if you tell your hubby or grandparents. They sometimes do not take you seriously. Sometimes you have to lose it or break down then they realize okay maybe they went too far