Maternity insurance
Hi mummies I am in 22 weeks. May I knw is there any maternity insurance I can take? can we claim all the bills scan test and all in this insurance.

Always remember insurance is coverage for when something bad happens. For example, pregnancy complications then yes most maternity insurance will cover the complications. For example, accident and you need to be warded then yes most hospital plans or accident plans will cover the expenses. Depends on what kind of coverage you’d like for yourself while being pregnant and what kind of coverage you’d like for your unborn baby and after birth. Again, remember maternity insurance is for when there is a complication in your pregnancy like pre-eclampsia or etc, then can cover the bill. Or for when baby is born and has jaundice or other complications, then yes can cover the bill. All the scans and tests done while pregnant can be reimbursed after you deliver. Up to $900 claimable by Medisave. Even your delivery is claimable if you go for subsidised all the way including the choice of wards. Normal pregnancy (without complications) and the hospital bills is not insurance cover, is you, husband or Medisave pay the bills. 😝
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Hey! I dont think there's any insurance in SG that covers prenatal bills etc. I've looked up before cause I wanted to get that too. But unfortunately, only some vaccine you can deduct from medisave and during birth, can use medisave too to deduct a certain amount too (have to seek advice from the hospital you're in). Sometimes private hospitals provide packages too. insurance only covers complications in birth and quite minimum complications for both mummy and baby. Depending on which insurance company you find too. I took Great Eastern's insurance about 800+ that extends 1 hospital stay for mummy and 1 hospital stay for baby (must be diagnosed with the complications included and specified in the list). So long story short, to simply answer your question. no such maternity insurance to claim ALL pre and postnatal bills.
Read moreIn singapore, maternity insurance ive heard of is from Prudential, AIA, NTUC income & Manulife! No claims from any scan tests during pregnancy. Only covers any serious complications from pregnancy/ when transferred to your newborn after birth, any complications from birth.
I settled with NTUC maternity 360. Can only claim when your baby/mother has one of the listed pregnancy issue on the policy. Scans or check up are not claimable
ReadyMummy by Manulife.
Do u happen to know the estimated price for this?