6 Replies

VIP Member

Yes, its normal to have a blood or stain after vaginal check. But do come back ,if you experiecing more pain or contraction every 5 to 10mins, decrease fetal movement , bleed alot and esp water bag burst to come to hospital straight away !

Ok sure, noted, thank you!

Super Mum

Hi:) it’s normal to have a bit of blood stains after your gynae does a check. You don’t have to go back yet. Wait for the contractions or leaking water bag

Thank you :)

VIP Member

this is normal after your gynae have check on you. just wait for the contractions then you can go to hosp immediately.

Thank you.

If already dilated 2-3cm, y don't give your gynae a call see if you should go back immediately?

She said that eventhough 2-3cm, still tight. So ya.

Looks like blood show. Try to observe, once u have contraction go to hospital asap.

VIP Member

Happened to me. I’ve waited till bleed and regular contractions then admit to hospital

Ok sure, will wait then. Thank you.

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