hi mummies. Can i ask whether will the epidural last through out the whole labour ( for natural birth ) ?????? or will i still feel the pain from contradiction aft a few hour past by......

Alhamdulillah Thank God my epidural lasted till a few hrs aft giving birth. I dont feel the pain, jz probably little pain/exhaustion when pushing baby out. And i dont feel the pain of vag stitching phewww!!! No pain when first pee too. Also because i was induced so my epidural could last till i was fully dilated. Those who needs to take more than once maybe cz they are not dilated fully and had to wait longer. All the best to you! May you have a smooth delivery.
Read moreIt can last you the entire labour. There will be a button for you to press to manually increase the dosage if you can’t stand the contractions. (I only pressed twice/thrice throughout my 8hr labour). But it will be lowered once you’re ready to push.
Supposed to last till you give birth, but they will cut it down when you’re pushing so that you know when the contraction is coming and know the exact timing to push. Once baby’s out, they bump it up again
Can last throughout labour. The right amount shld make you feel the pressure during contraction but there is no pain. Bottom felt heavy for a week after delivery and all good after that.
No pain at all, which is quite dangerous I feel as you will not know when you need to push and really have to rely on the midwives and nurses/doc cue.
Mine lasted about 7-8 hours still got some balance. Dosage lowered towards the pushing coz I can't feel anything.. body too numb.
I think i am lucky that i dont really feel the pain after epidural. Everything was fine until i try to stand and pass urine.
They will lower dwn the dosage when its time to push so u will feel abit of the contractions
Mine last till even after birth, the next day then i am able to have feelings.
I don’t really feel the pain after epidural