Epidural right time
Hi mummies out there, can i know when will i be allowed to ask the doc or nurses for an epidural during my labour? Once I'm dilated how many cm will they allow me to get an epidural?#pleasehelp #advicepls #1stimemom #firstbaby

Hi, i heard depend on the hospital some 6cm cannot take already some as early as 4cm. So once you admitted just check with them if you plan to take epi. I would recommend taking at the time the contraction pain is there, so when they want to poke always tell them to poke once u feel the contraction then u won't feel much of the long needle pain. Because example you admitted at 1-2cm and you still don't feel much of the contraction pain and u requested for epi, u can feel the needles poking. Epi needles and dosage differ from normal needle injection ya.
Read moreI was 3-4cm when admitted! Water bag broke! I felt 0 pain and was using my phone till the moment I pushed. Nurses didn’t bother to ask me if I needed epidural cause I was that relaxed! Dont think so much it might not be painful like you expect it to be! I didn’t even feel a single cramps! I pushed 1.5 hour after admission!
Read moreI took when induced for 15hrs already but still only dilated 1 to 2 cm..and the dilation just came so suddenly after 3 hrs later and I'm 6cm and the epidural not strong enough for me and only increase when I'm going in labour so I still feel the pain in between for awhile before they decide to give me higher dosage.
Read more1st bb took epi at 3cm. 2nd bb took about 4-5 cm. both time not pain. just that I kiasi so I take first... during labour not pain. just can feel a bit the bb moving out... have to listen to gynae direction to push coz cant feel much...
Nurse will ask u during labour if u want epi or not. Usually by 3cm they'll start to ask already. I always took late at around 5-6cm when it's very unbearable.
i think about 4cm i already request cos i had seizures from the contraction & laughing gas hahaha. i really thank God for epi
omg u had seizure? Thank god u are okay now.
the doctor and nurse will ask you when you are 3cm dilated so you will definitely not miss it
I took mine at 5cm, can’t bear the pain. I was inducted that time.
I took it at 3cm