Can epidural really helps to stop from feeling the pain during the entire labour ???? and can i choose the strongest epidural if possible???? or theres only one type of epidural that can be used. ( sorry ftm here and am nervous & scared about the thought of the pain that i will be gg through in less than a months time )

I wasnt aware that thr's levels of epidural dose. But i was thankful i took it as i rejected it at first. I was induced so the pain of contraction was unbearable for me as my pain tolerance is very low. Aft i got d epidural, i wasnt in pain and the most thing i was thankful for is that i dont feel the pain when the doc is stiching me up and it lasted when i had to do the scheduled pee. It's a must to pee aft 2hrs or so i can't rmmbr. So i dont feel te pain. And i dont rmmbr feeling "that" pain when it wears off the next dae. Jz alil pain when walking. And dont be shocked the nxt dae as your v will swell up like crazy. I was shocked cz nobody warned me. So i was alil sad. Jia you!
Read moreAt first i did not want to take epidural. I tot laughing gas is good enough. 😂 ended up I couldn’t take the pain when I’m dilated to like 7cm. So i asked for epidural. It actually helps me alot to the extend I’m able to take a nap. I wasn’t given a button to press on the epidural but when I couldn’t take the pain i would call the nurse and they would increase for me. :)
Read moreHi. I am on epidural i dont feel anything after getting it, but i am a first time mum, guess my doctor lowered down the dosage then suddenly in opening onwards i can feel the contraction pain but cannot feel anything on crowning part. But stitching part i feel the pain again. But all of it was manageable even thou my pain tolerance is really low.
Read moredefinitely! ftm here too. just gave birth in june. try not to think so much and just enjoy the process. for me, laughing gas doesnt work. epidural really helps.. painless during the labour. but when they inject the epidural, both my legs were numb and my whole body was shivering quite bad.
For my first pregnancy , I don’t feel any pain after taking epidural, even when my baby is out I also don’t feel any. But for 2nd pregnancy, same thing, I don’t feel the pain, but I can feel my baby coming out from my below.
Yes. It helps! The nurse will adjust the dosage for you. If you still can feel pain she will put more. However, don't put too much if not you cannot even feel your legs.
Yes it helps. No pain from waist down. The down side for me was that I don’t know how to push when the nurse asked me to push.. cos no feeling mah.. hahaha
If the epidural works well, it works amazingly. Different hospitals may use different formulations of the medicine for epidural, but they all work. Haha
🤣🤣🤣 thrs a button that u cn press to adjust.. u will feel no pain but during pushing time they will lower the dosage so u know when to push
Ekk i dun feel anything after the epidural went off though.. but den again i had no tears or cuts or stitches la
I dilated too fast so my epidural only worked at 9cm 😛 Not to scare you, but I couldn’t even remember the pain now. Mother’s brain.