Rashes around belly button
Hi mummies, have you suffer some rashes around your belly button? I have these rashes since 22 weeks and its super itchy at night. At first its like pinkish pimple around belly button so i did not pay attention much but now its getting worse so i quickly book apt to see my gynae tmr..

yes! I mine was like yours, i got in my tummy and arm! it was red tiny dot then spread itchy till wake up at night cannot bear it. dont put snake cooling powder to tummy but can put at other body but not tummy, I realised it becos I too spicy, heaty, and weather hot and it might also be allergic especially the chilli inside got a lot of mix ingredients like shrimp etc. so I start to change bath cool warm water twice a day, must bath at least twice a day, sleep with bamboo mat. I request work from home in e beginning, stay at cooling room, aircon, day time I put Cetaphil moisture cream, night time palmer therapy oil (rose flavour) only rose flavour works & seat in front fan not too near blow cooling tummy naked, I also see a lot of doc n gyna, took Cetirizine ans gyna give a cream for skin but I apply 1 or 2 times very thin, and let it recover mostly, I usually at night let it fan blow with the pamlers oil 30mins-45mins then go slp in air con with bamboo mat and bath wif Dove only with medium cooling water. when u apply oil/ cream to tummy wear a disposable plastic gloves. It took me 2-3 mths to return normal, now better but still control spicy intake, eat more fruits Blueberries, pear, strawberry, at least 2 fruits a day etc. u need to relax more try can work from home reduce sweat stay in cooling temperature air con as much as possible wear loose cotton clothes, drink alot of water too! hope u recover soon from back ur tummy! fighting! fighting! don't be sad or disgusted to see ur tummy like this, it's okay, I also been through not easy mentally and emotionally, you can do it! It will go off, be strong mummy!
Read moreI had rashes and pimples from face to neck to chest to belly and back for my 1st pregnancy, complexion was terrible. I don't remember what I did but maybe you can try aloe vera gel or Topicreme. It'll be gone after the pregnancy. To compare with my other 2 pregnancies without the rash/allergies, my 1st born inherited the allergies till now she is 9yo (getting mild over the years). So I'm not sure does this pass on to baby. I'll only know after 4th one out cause I'm having rash here and there now.
Read moreIt is the hormones. Our body systems tend to change to accommodate the baby. It will be gone after baby is born😊 Always apply safe cream, lotion,gel or moisturizer Drink plenty of water. Wear light clothing. Be safe😊 Take care😉
Read moreI did! But mine wasn’t as bad as yours, my Friend. Think you can try applying aloe vera gel for cheaper option! but it didn’t work for me, so I used Suu Balm instead! Can buy at Watson’s! :)
Yes! But mine not as serious. Super itchy and I applied aloe vera to ease the itch. My gynae said was normal..
Change your body wash to a gentle one for sensitive skin!
Aloe vera gel helps cool it down and stop itch
I experience itchiness but I dont have rashes.
No. Get some moisturizing cream.
Nope, put more moisture on it