Black mark around belly button
Hello mummies First time mommy here. I’m now 22 weeks pregnant. There is a black mark around my belly button. Is this something I should be worried about?

During pregnancy, your body produces more melanin which is the cause of pigmentation, darkening in certain areas and discolouration. Nothing to be worried about. After pregnancy, it’ll go back to normal.
Normal. Your skin will change colour due to hormonal changes although not all will experience it. Will gradually disappear slowly after birth.
Hi mummy! No,it’s normal! For me it went away after I gave birth! Took awhile but still it faded!
Is normal to have it, i have it too but after birth i use this cream and now is gone

Hi mummy, this is normal.. don’t worry and enjoy the pregnancy
It’s normal, I have that too! 😃
It’s normal!!
It’s normal!
it's normal