Hi. This is my second pregnancy but already at 20 weeks. But same like you, my early weeks were soooooo horrible i kinda told my husband after this i wanna take a break or maybe we should stop at 2. haha. I did not have annnyyy morning sickness, or vomitings or a single nausea for my first. maybe one or two vomitings at midnite. i don't even feel pregnant at that time as i didn't show much. But for my second, all hell breaks loose. hahahaha. (sorry baby). But seriously, I experienced allllllllll the possible pregnancy symptoms in the universe. I had nausea 24/7, vomited all food i ate, like i felt sooo hungry but vomited all the food rite aft. cn you imagine the sadness? i cried like crazy. Nxt is i cnnt smell alot of things. got triggered by almost everything, cookings especially or food that was jz heated. it was crazy. i need to let food cool down first before i cn eat. sigh. furthermore my firstborn is being verrrryyyyy cranky and clingy all of a sudden. jz veryy manja. omg. all these lasted till i reached 14th week. it was like forever. but after i found out that my baby is a different gender, it's a no wonder why it was so different than the first. a total opposite but yeah felt a relief ive no more of the morning sickness. so Jia you to you!! 💪🏻 you can do it 🤗