Hi mummies or daddies..Ita a silly question ... My child had been sleeping in yaolan since baby. Have you ever bring a baby cradle or yaolan overseas ? Able to check in ? And what size luggage can fixed the yaolan ? Or am I just the only one having to think of bringing the whole yaolan overseas :(

If your baby needs a bouncy moving motion I suggest you pack or borrow from the hotel gym an exercise ball. I used to use it with my daughter when she was very cranky and we were traveling. If worked like a charm. Another alternative is to have her fall asleep in the stroller as you push her up and down and then when she is fallen asleep move her to the cot. Final suggestion but you need to be extra careful with this one is to use the hotel office chair. You can swivel her and yourself around the room. Hope these suggestions work. Get creative and yes like the above all suggested - ditch the yaolan. It’s too Mah fan to lug it along
Read moreI've never stepped out of the room with the yaolan, left alone overseas :x Like what other mummies suggested, you probably have to find alternatives to that bouncing motion - a yoga ball is a good idea, otherwise what I do is just carry LO in my arms and lightly bounce my knees from side to side. It's tiring but works best! Depending on the age of your child, a baby carrier may help too - but some kids just can't sleep anywhere else other than home so just try your best to make things work :)
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Where are you traveling to? Which airline? Travel with yaolan is quite hardcore leh. Also how old is your baby?
Might be messy taking yaolan with you. also problem fixing it too maybe. have you considered a travel cot?
Also do read this article on yaolan use 😊https://sg.theasianparent.com/yao-lan-baby-hammocks-safety