Anyone here use Yaolan before? Was it hard to make ur child stop using Yaolan. Feel like giving it a try for my clingy LO but scared she will cry if one day there's no more yaolan?

Yaolan is my saver! I let baby sleep during the day time and Co sleep when night. When in yaolan she can sleep up to 5 hour straight which I can rest. The trick is do not continue to shake when baby fall asleep if not she will need you to shake her to sleep in future.
Erm, I'm still surviving without a yaolan. Although it's super tiring, but I'd rather be her portable yaolan than future she cries for yaolan in the public when she needed a nap 😅 just in case.
I have electric yaolan lol. Saved our lives a few times when he just wouldnt sleep during his initial months. Later when he was fussy he preferred bouncer and totally self weaned off yaolan.
Yes, my LO slept in it for day naps which kept her sleeping longer. LO will co-sleep with us at night and has no issues. Has outgrown it around 12 months and has no issues at all! :)
Today they call it Yaolan. In my time its just sarong tied to a spring but it served the same purpose i.e. to give mothers much needed break...lol
My lo. One day I just threw it away... at first she was finding her yaolan but slowly she forget about it alr.
Didn’t find it difficult coz I alternate day sleeps and night sleeps But they will grow out of it
Ok in the morning for naps but not unsupervised at night
I've heard that it might be dangerous