I have read that grape could potentially help with constipation as well. Based on this article (http://www.natural-homeremedies-for-life.com/home-remedies-for-constipation.html), you can try soaking raisins (which are actually dried grapes) in hot water. After the water has cooled down, crush the raisins and strain the water. Offer the water for your girl to try. Can also try prune juice. If the taste is too strong, start with the diluted version first or try mixing it with apple juice. Children may take more to juices even if they don't eat the fruit.
Since she likes yogurt, have you tried making smoothies for her? Smoothies are a great way to sneak and hide high fiber fruit and veggies. My mom used to make smoothies for me and my siblings when we were kids just to trick us into eating our veggies and fruits. This Web page has plenty of awesome smoothie ideas that are baby-friendly. Perhaps you can give them a try? http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/babysmoothiesrecipes.htm
Give yakult, yoyic or vitagen, if u feel too sweet, dilute with water and let her drink. U can try make milkshake for her like avocado milkshake which help in constipation too (just to get her interest in anything that help with constipate. Drink more water like barley or chrysanthemums tea, as it's help a bit too, so make sure she is not too heaty to produce hard poo too.
You can try antioxidants which is kniwn as RESERVE from Jeunesse. This is made up of fruits. You can refer to https://vanessateoky.jeunesseglobal.com/en-SG/ for more information.