You’re not selfish! Don’t let people gaslight you into thinking that way. You gave it a shot and bf for the past many months. You provided sustenance to your LO, and that’s a fact that no one can take away from you. Our supply is bound to dip one day. As days progresses, our lifestyle changes and babies’ needs change too. All these affects supply too. I’m currently pumping but I’m also the main caregiver of my LO. I’m almost with her 24/7 and my pumps happen when she’s asleep or when I’m almost confident that she’s settled down and in a good mood and all 😂 I don’t feel guilty for not having a 3-4x daily pump because I know other things require my commitment now and I’m doing what I can to provide however much I can. Breastfeeding is such a personal choice to the mama. I cannot understand why people feel compelled to make comments that aren’t helpful or value adding. If you decide to stop, go for it! You have already done well 💪🏻
I’ve pumped for 18m (to slim down and maintain my weight), but still I get comments saying that bm is useless after 4m and baby should eat solids instead. Unless they are the ones producing the milk, waking up at odd timings to pump on your behalf (not donor milk), who are they to comment right? Be harsh if you need to, ask them to mind their own business. Regardless whether you pump or don’t pump, there will always be naysayers. Decide what is best for your own sanity and wellbeing. This is your body, your choice, nobody has the rights to put you down. Bm or formula, end of the day, everybody eats solids and fed is best.