Increase the supply of breastmilk
Hi mummies. My child is currently having jaundice and it is required to feed more breastmilk cause im breastfeeding. Any suggestions what can i eat to increase my milk

Drink 3L of fluids a day. Papaya soup, red date tea, oats.. Also, the main 2 causes of jaundice are breastfeeding jaundice (baby not drinking enough because there’s not enough breastmilk produced) and breastmilk jaundice (liver cannot process the breastmilk easily because it’s still immature). To overcome breastfeeding jaundice, baby needs to drink more milk. If your supply increases soon, that’s great! But don’t stress out if it doesn’t increase so soon. Top up with formula. This helps to overcome both breastfeeding jaundice and breastmilk jaundice, and brings down the jaundice levels more quickly:) Hope your baby’s jaundice goes away soon:) (both my kids had jaundice.. I know the pain of testing the levels again and again, and the poor babies crying each time)
Read moreMilo, papaya, lactation cookies & legendairy (liquid gold) helps to increase my supply. Do remember to drink more water too.
I've taken fenugreek, but natural ways are increasing milk, beans, oats, papaya fish soup and also getting more rest
Take red kidney beans, black beans and lots of red meat (source of protein) to increase milk.
Milo Edaname Durian Steam Threadfin fish Green papaya fish soup Barley Oat biscuits
Read moreLatch more often and drink plenty of water