3months vaccine
Hello mummies. My baby having fever after her 3months vaccine. Any tips on what I can do to prevent her temperature from going up? I know medication is one. TIA

Keep feeding her frequently as fluid intake will bring down the temperature (more milk, can be small amounts and more frequent feedings. Babies tend to nurse more having a fever because they need the fluid to bring down the fever and they want comfort), tepid sponge with room temperature water all over leave a very thin layer of water on the body, taking a bath helps as well but just keep it to the same once or twice a day. Fever after vaccines should not last long and will go at a down trend by the 3rd day. If the 3rd the fever is not even remotely subsiding or going into the high range, then better to consult a pd.
Read moreWipe her with warm water but dun wet the back, mostly the baby joints and head then wipe it with dry towel. Baby patch will do as well. Dont overdose the baby with the medication, if baby fever is 38.5° then straight away bring her to see dr
give the medicine they prescribe it will help and monitor temp every hour, don't overdress baby and u can also give sponge bath before going to sleep and let him have a sip of water or offer milk frequently
My baby drink water since birth. I just feed her with more water and nurse her often usually after jab. She don't have fever but temperature on high side but eventually after few hour back to normal.
Cool (cotton) clothing Tepid (room temp water) sponging Medicine Fever patch The temp should come down within 24 hours. Hang in there and hope your LO gets well soon!
Read moreYou can try 1) light airy clothings 2) sponging 3) fever patch n 4) Fever relief balm from Inara Organics! Hope your lo gets well soon, my friend ❤️
Is normal after vaccine, give a dose of fever medication given by dr. After 6hr no fever no need to give.
Wear light clothes, sponge when it’s above 38degree, feed Panadol when it’s above 37.5
Sponge her, I also buy the baby fever patches.
Try to sponge her and put fever pads