Hello mummies, my 1 year gal is having fever with sore throat. And now, she is not drinking milk or water. She is still using milk bottle to drink her milk when I tried to put milk bottle in, she refused to suck. I have to use syringe, in order to let her drink her milk. Worried that using syringing method, if she didn't swallow well the liquid might get into her lungs and have complications, as she is struggling each time I tried to syringe her. Will this becoming a habit where she don't want to suck the milk in future? Thank you mummies.

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She isn't sucking the milk down cos the sucking reflect will actually worsen the pain at the throat. Try giving her oral gel? To numb the pain so she can drink?

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It usually will not cause any habit. It could be because it's painful for her to suck. meanwhile continue to keep her hydrated.