Spicy Food During Pregnancy Causes Skin Allergies In Bb?
Hi moms/moms-to-be, will eating spicy food during pregnancy lead to higher chance of skin allergies for the baby in future?

hi im a mum of 1 . during pregnancy I ate whatever I can . name it spicy food? sweet food sour food ? soda? I drank soda, gassy drinks you name it . it's not what you eat that leads to baby having allergies. it's mainly a genetic condition .
I was told that too. But I just eat during pregnancy. Baby's skin is sensitive but I guess most baby's skin are so soft thus easier to have abit rash here and there is normal at times
Never heard anyone said it. So I guess it’s unrelated
Not really baby sensitive skin I think is genetic.
there are no studies to prove that.
no... all superstitous
Don’t think so
i dont think so
Not really.